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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

An Open letter to the guy that gave me nasty looks at the gym today...

So I noticed before that some of the really buff guys give me these looks like "WTF are you doing at the gym?" I know the difference, cause I actually have talked to some of the "buff" guy and they are really nice and think it's great that I am back in the gym and lift and am not normally intimidated by them.
But some guys you know, cause I smile at everybody at the gym, even if I am pouring sweat, I have a smile, cause you know what? I makes me feel good and the person I smile at as well. But then there are these guys that don't smile back. They just give you that look. And I've gotten those looks even when I was a Trainer.

So this is a letter for the guy today that could not wait for me to be done with my Deadlifts...

Dear Buff Guy,

first off, I have been watching you the past couple of weeks, you and your girlfriend feeling entitled to just make yourself at home at the gym. You drop you bags whereever, using ab machines to keep you bag off the floor. Ever considered that other members might use those machines?
Also yeah I used the bar today to do my circuit and yes, it was only loaded with 20lb. (total of 65lb.) but that doesn't give you the right to huff and puff next to me, cause your girlfriend can't workout next to you. I may not look as buff and skinny as her, but you know what? I work just as hard and maybe even a little harder. I would love to see the two of you doing 15 Deadlifts, then 20 reverse lunges and 20 alternating Kettlebellswings. And do 4 sets of them. So yeah I am not going to rush thru my workout because you feel the need to give me nasty looks. Cause you know why? I am paying my membership dues just the same as you do. And thanks to the gym and coming 5 days a week for the past 2.5 months I am down 22lb.
So maybe be a bit more considerate, to members like me, cause I got a pretty thick skin, but other members might not and instead of scoffing at them give them a smile of encouragement. Cause it's mostly likely that they will quit the gym because of people like you.



  1. my BFF and I used to get that treatment. We ended up trying 3 gyms before we gave up. We used to get stares and complaints from the "Lunks" because we were chubby and we laughed and giggled at ourselves during the entire workout. Just because we were having fun didn't mean we weren't working hard. In those months during our trial gym search we lost 30 lbs. I hate that I let judgmental jerks affect my experience! Keep it up, you're an inspiration!

    1. That is sad, I hope you try again and just think about this letter, cause in the end, when you prevail you are sticking it to them. <3
