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Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Convention Prep Part 1

I am going to a Supernatural Convention this coming weekend and I don't wanna eat the hotel food or the fast food surrounding the hotel. I have been working to hard for the past 3 months to not eat better. I probably eat yummier food then anybody else with what I am preparing.

So this will be divided into parts, first part is Meal Planning. Make sure you pick foods that are easy put in a cooler or don't need refridgeration. Salads in a Jar survive well in a Cooler, I know, it's a staple when we work at the Renaissance fair and they last till Sunday afternoon easy and you have access to ice at the hotel. I plan for two, cause my daughter is going with me.
Plan meals that are easy and snacks that fit into your con bag, and if you don't have a con bag your should check out SewGeekAustin's Messenger Bags, they are perfect. So Protein Bars, nuts, fruits like Apples, Oranges, Cuties are great.
I have a lot of protein that I eat each day, so I am packing my Shaker and Protein Powder, now you can pre measure in separate baggies to save on space.
I know some of you are flying in. But you can definitely bring those snack onto the plane in your carry on. And a lot of hotels have small kiosks where you are able to buy fruits, or you can walk to a gas station nearby and get some there.
I also bring my water bottle as most hotels nowadays have water fountains and you don't have to pay for bottled water.

Lunch - Salad in a Jar
Dinner - Turkey Patty Lettuce wrap with Veggies and Hummus
Snacks - fruit, protein Bar and Protein Shake, also veggies are on hand

Breakfast - either a egg bake in loaf form, or egg and turkey filled Vegan Biscuits. (Not sure yet)
Lunch - Salad in a Jar
Dinner - this might be a going out, but not sure, if not I will have another Lettuce wrap with lunch meat
Snacks - fruit, protein Bar and Protein Shake, veggies

Breakfast - either a egg bake in loaf form, or egg and turkey filled Vegan Biscuits. (Not sure yet)
Lunch - Lettuce wrap
Dinner - Chili at home :D
Snacks - fruit, protein Bar and Protein Shake, veggies

These are all easy things to make a head and that way I know what I am eating, how many calories are in there, the macros will fit mine. 

If you plan ahead you can have a successful con weekend too and you need to eat well and right so you don't get sick after. I will also have Emergen C on hand.

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