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Sunday, March 6, 2016

Preparing for an injury related break...

So I found out last week that on March 24th I am going to have a bone spur in my foot removed that has broken off and is just floating. I used to get Cortisone injections, but my Orthopedic Surgeon decided it would be better to take it out.

The surgery is out patient, but they will put me under. So my hubby is taking me and driving me home after. I was told that I will be in a Boot for 4 weeks after.

So I need to prepare myself better mentally for this then with my last two surgeries. I had a deviated septum fixed in 2008 and I started to lack going to the gym and I gained 15lb. after that surgery. After my gall bladder surgery in 2011 I pretty much just gave up.

So this time around, I will not let this put me in the corner. I will make sure my food will be as clean as it gets. Cause that will be the most important part. But I also know there is a hand bike at the gym. So I can do some Cardio and my trainer said we can train the upper body. I just don't want to give up and loose the momentum I have build these past 4 months.

I know I also have amazing support from my family this time, as I am very blessed that we all eat clean, dairy and gluten free. So there won't be junk in the house, as I am going to grocery shopping before the surgery. Make sure there are good snacks in the house.

I am looking forward to this new adventure.

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